Order ahead online to make sure you get what you want! Ordering ahead is best if placing a large order. Use the link below to visit our online store through Square. We can only accommodate whole-pound ordering online. If you need quantities that are in-between (Ex. 1.5 lbs), please give us a call to place your order (919-901-9756).
Harvest Seafood Market Online Store
Oysters in the shell and pints of shucked oysters are available for preorder sales. A small quantity may be available in the market on a first-come, first-served basis, but the best way to make sure you have oysters when you want them is to preorder. Orders must be placed and paid for by Monday at 9:00am for oysters to be picked up on the following Friday or Saturday. To order, please call us at 919-901-9756 or email us at harvestseafoodmarket@gmail.com.